SLAMMER - Fast Action SF Skirmish System
Chris & Alex Nicole


The Few Brave Sentients

It is possible to play Slammer at both Section and Platoon level, where one player has a Section level small force and the other player has a platoon level large force. This is particularly appropriate for a Hollywood style game, where the good guys are always outnumbered. Just ask Bruce or Arnie. There are various ways and means of balancing such a scenario. For example;

The Magnificent Seven aka. Battle Beyond the Stars

Give the smaller force better quality troops and equipment or a few minor heroes. Make the larger force numerous but reluctant and reliant on their few leaders for activation.

Multiple Signals, all around!

Make the smaller force the defenders, give them a few prepared positions and plenty of cover. The attacking larger force has to come to the defenders. This is a particularly appropriate scenario for an Aliens game. The defenders should have to hold off the attackers for a set period i.e. until the drop ship arrives to rescue the survivors. In which case the attackers would have to take the objective.


Make the larger force the defenders, but disperse them to cover several possible objectives. The smaller attacking force gets to choose one objective to hit and run.


The smaller force sets up hidden, awaiting the larger force who have to move through the ambushers area.

Both sides should be given objectives they have to achieve or deny to the enemy. It is also a good idea to set a time limit for the game, i.e. a number of rounds to achieve the objective. A shorter time limit should speed up the game and force attackers to take action, they should not be able to just hang back and shell the defenders into submission.


The attacker gets a monster or major anti-hero and has to hunt down and kill all the defenders. The defenders start off dispersed and have to move around to acquire the weapons needed to stop the attacker. The defenders may have a minor hero, but that's bad news for the Camera Fodder!

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Web site maintained by Chris Nicole
Last updated Tuesday, 20 April, 1999