SLAMMER - Fast Action SF Skirmish System
Chris & Alex Nicole

Hollywood Extras

Probably the single most influential force in the development of Slammer is the movies. If Rippley had never gone bughuntin' with the marines, or big Arnie hadn't fought the big ugly in the jungle, or if Flook had never felt the Force I would probably have stopped with
WW1 Aeroplanes and Goblins.
The following sections are meant to be fun, they are entirely optional and should not be taken too seriously.

Heroes; aka Starship Troupers

Heroes come in three grades depending on their star billing.
Minor Hero (+1)
Cap'n Church, Flook Starstrider, Rippley (first movie)
Hero (+2)
Bruce, Rippley (second movie)
Major Hero (+3)
Daftada, Big Arnie, Rippley (fourth movie)(what third movie?)

The number in brackets e.g. (+1) is the dice modifier a hero may add to all their dice throws. The dice modifier is always in the heroes favour. Note: When the hero rolls multiple die, the hero bonus is added to the total score not to each dice. For example when rolling 2D to hit, A minor Hero would roll 2D+1 before adding any other situation modifiers.

Possible heroic attributes could include:

A hero can only be seriously hurt by another hero, or a monster in Close Combat. Any other hits result in a non-disfiguring, non-disabling, machismo enhancing, light wound.

All figures except Heroes, Monsters, or significant individuals are Camera Fodder.

Lucky for some.. ;
If a hero is fired on, the nearest other figure takes the hit instead (and dies dramatically!)

Big Guns;
Heroes can fire weapons that usually require a jeep and two man crew to lug around. Heavy weapons do not slow down a hero, or require bracing. They can fire from the hip, and they always hit the target!

Camera Fodder;

Typical Imperial Stormtrooper or Star Fleet Security Guard, despite rigorous training and fearsome equipment their main purpose is to make the hero look good. They have special training at playing dead and will fall over dramatically if a shot comes anywhere near them. If located on a roof or near a window they must attempt to to fall off it, or through it.
Note: If the scene moves somewhere else, they may pick themselves up and have another go. Often the same figure may be seen 'dying' in several different shots!
Optional Rules:
When a Camera Fodder unit is fired on, instead of rolling for effect of fire; any figures hit perform a dramatic death and must play dead until the Hero or enemy moves out of sight. The figures playing dead may be used again later in the game.


If the power plant has self-destructed, the survivors are back on the ship and there’s still half an hour before the film ends...The Monster Aint Dead!
To some extent Monsters could be treated like Camera Fodder i.e. If a monster is fired on and apparently hit, it will fall over and play dead until some fool comes along to "see if it's dead".
If the good guys hit the monster with overwhelming fire power, the body will disappear amongst the explosions, falling rubble, flames, smoke, etc. Obviously they blew it to bits. Later, some fool may be surprised by a wounded, possibly radioactive, and seriously p*ss*d *ff monster.
Note: This shouldn't happen more than once or twice!

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Last updated Monday, 02 August, 1999