SLAMMER - Fast Action SF Skirmish System
Chris & Alex Nicole

Troop Motivation;

Troop Motivation should be a special case dependant on scenario or force rational. The following may be used in addition to the troop Quality Rating.


Some elements may be rated as Elite. These troops believe that they are the best at what they do, (often with good cause). They try harder and will often do much better than would be expected of normal soldiers. Elite units are often innovative in their approach to warfare and may have unusual (and deadly) skills.
When rolling for Activation for Elite, add the appropriate modifiers then move up one band to the next higher Activation level.
Elite motivation may be combined with any troop quality rating, though Untrained Elite are fairly unlikely. Green or Trained Elite for example could represent recruits or casualty replacements in an Elite unit. If they survive long enough and learn they may well make it up to Veteran Elite.
The Shooting and Close Assault modifiers for Elite are cumulative with the team's quality rating.


Some elements may be rated as Fanatic, this represents a reckless disregard for personal safety in the service of The Cause, or the use of illegal medication. Fanatics may have lower levels of ability as they tend not to live long enough to learn from their mistakes. (Veteran Fanatics are normally Dead.) Also experience tends to erode fanaticism fairly quickly. They tend to be very single-minded in their pursuit of an objective.
It might be appropriate to treat Artificial Intelligence troops such as Daleks, Cylons or Terminators as Fanatic.
When activating Fanatics, they must take the most aggressive option available.
The Activation modifier for Fanatics is used instead of the troop quality rating.


Warriors are in it for the fight. Whatever the strategic objective might be, Warriors will try to match themselves against the enemy troops. Warriors will tend to close with the enemy and may have higher close combat factors. They may prefer close range or melee weapons. Alien races are frequently played as Warriors. The movie Predator is a good example.
When activating a Warrior team, the team will usually prefer an option that moves them closer to an enemy unit.
They will use cover where available, but are not averse to charging if it will bring them into contact with an enemy.

Reluctant / Unwilling

These teams may have found themselves involved in a fight they consider none of their business, they may have been in one fight too many or lost too many friends and comrades, or they may be constrained by higher authority e.g. as Peace Keepers. They may have little interest in the rights or wrongs of the situation. Their main goal is to stay alive and get the heck outta here! If fired on or pressed they will defend themselves or their comrades, but will not go out looking for trouble.
When rolling for Activation for Reluctant, add the appropriate modifiers then move down one band to the next lower Activation level.


Long service career Soldiers. This represents strength in defence and a tendancy to hold formation even when everything is going to heck around you, it also means Steady troops are less likely to get carried away with enthusiasm and go chasing off after the enemy.

When rolling for Activation for Steady, after adding dice and modifiers shift the Activation Level up or down one level towards 7 Advance.

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Last updated 03 October 2014