SLAMMER - Fast Action SF Skirmish System
Chris & Alex Nicole

Troop Quality;

Each element requires a troop quality rating that represents the general level of training and experience of the figures in the unit.
In a section level game you may want to give each figure its own rating, to represent the figures individual fighting ability. The entire team should still have a troop quality rating for Activation purposes. This should represent the majority or average level of the figures in the team. (Elite round up; Others round down.)
For a platoon level game, all the figures in a team should have the same rating.
Leaders, Heroes or other significant individuals should always be given an individual quality rating. These may be different from the other figures in their team.

Suggested Troop quality ratings and typical examples are as follows:


People with no military training and little or no combat experience.
Civilians are usually rated as untrained.
Ordinary folks; Colonists; Citizens; Rioters; Innocent-Bystanders; Petty Criminals; Victims, etc.


Figures with only basic weapons training or little combat experience;
Conscripts; Militia; New recruits; Irregulars; Corporate Security; Civilian Police*; Gangsters; Terrorists.
Starship Troopers (Film not Book :o)

[* while Police might be treated as Green in a military situation, they may be Elite motivation.]


Well-trained, competent troops and regular soldiers;
Trained is assumed to be the default level for teams in Slammer, they gain no additional modifiers or incur any penalty. Most Military types would be rated as trained.
Imperial Stormtroopers; Orks; Klingons; Colonial Marines;
Organised Crime Heavy’s.


Combat experienced well trained professionals;
Space Marines; Mercenaries; Starship Troopers (Book NOT Film!).
Professional Assassins or Bodyguards.

Generally poorer troops should be organised into larger teams; i.e. 4 - 6 figures.

Better quality troops i.e. Veteran and Elite may form smaller teams of 2 - 4 figures.

This is intended to simulate the higher level of initiative and self confidence in better quality troops.

For Example:

A special forces section (10-12 figures) might have 3-4 teams of 2-4 figures each.
A militia squad of the same size would have 2-3 teams of 4-6 figures.
An untrained group of hostages or unlucky colonists might be treated as a single mob of up to 12 figures
In a set scenario the Troop Quality should be determined before the game starts, or may be randomly determined at the start of a game.

For example;

The Imperial Infantry section mentioned previously might roll 1D6 for each element as follows:

1 Green New recruits & casualty replacements
2,3,4 Trained Troops who have been in the unit long enough to know their way around
5,6 Veteran Experienced troopers who have been through a few hard fights

In addition one roll should be made for the section leader with a +1 dice modifier.
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Last updated Thursday, 18 November, 1999