SLAMMER - Fast Action SF Skirmish System
Chris & Alex Nicole

Reference Tables

Table 1. Activation Table.

  Team Actions Move Options Combat Options Other Options
13 + Double Move Full Move Close Assault  
11,12 Close Full move Close Assault  
9,10 Close Half move Direct Fire Deactivate Booby Traps
8 Advance Half move Direct Fire  
7 Advance Half move Opportunity Fire Observe for indirect fire
6 Stand Half move Opportunity Fire De-bus and Deploy
5 Stand Half move Return Fire Recover Casualties
3,4 Pinned No movement Return Fire Reload Heavy Weapons
2 Fall Back Half move back Panic Fire  
1 Fall Back Full move back No Firing  
< 1 Break Full move +2" Abandon Weapons Flee or surrender
Activation Modifiers.
Untrained 0 Leader with group +1 Not under Fire +1
Green troops 2 Fresh troops +2 Under Direct Fire -1
Trained 4 Armoured troops +1 Under Auto Fire -1
Veteran troops 6 In cover +1 Under Explosive Fire -2
Elite troops Up 1 In Hard Cover +2 Separated from unit -2
Fanatics / Aliens 6 * In Prepared Position +3 Attacked from Flank -1
Warriors +2 Each wounded -1 Attacked from rear -2
Reluctant Down 1 Each casualty -2 Broken troops -2
* The activation modifier for Fanatics or Aliens is used instead of the troop quality rating.

Table 2. Infantry Movement Examples.

Armour Move Notes
None 10" Civilians and figures in normal clothing. *
Light 8" Ballistic cloth, flak jacket & helmet; Military and Police uniform.
Heavy 6" Battle Suit; Ablative plate & helmet; Heavy Infantry Armour; Hostile Environment Suits.
Armoured 8" Power assisted heavy armour.
Aliens 12" Bugs, Predators, Animals, etc.
Monsters 8" Alien beasties of unusual size or strength.
Warriors +2" Troops specialising in close assault.

Firer To-Hit numbers
Untrained 9
Green Troops 8
Trained Troops 7
Veteran Troops 6

Table 3: Firer and Target Modifiers.

Firer Modifiers: Target Modifiers:
Elite Troops +1 Untrained +2
Firer moved half move or more -4 Green Troops +1
Firer moved up to half move -2 Trained Troops 0
Prone Firer +1 Veteran Troops -1
Braced Weapons +1 One Specific figure -3
Unbraced Heavy Weapons -4 Target group is unaware +2
Firing from a prepared position +2 Moving into or out of sight -2
Not under Fire +2 Moved more than half move in sight +1
Firer received a light wound -2 Prone Targets -1
Direct Fire +2 Soft Cover -2
Return Fire -2 Hard Cover -3
Panic Fire -3 Prepared Position -4
Close Range (up to four inches): Add Close Combat factor for weapon type
Extreme Range Firing up to 2x effective range: -4

Table 4. Armour Rating:

Armour Rating: vs. B vs. E Notes:
None -1 -2 Civilians, normal clothing.
Light Infantry +0 -1 Military weave, uniform, flak jacket & helmet.
Heavy Infantry +1 +1 Battle suit, Ablative plate & helmet.
Armoured Infantry +2 +2 Power Assisted Heavy Armour.
Aliens; +1 +0 Bugs, Predators, etc.
Monsters +3 +2 Large Alien Beasties.
Defender Modifiers
Untrained / Civilian -1 Veteran +1
Green / Trained 0 Elite / Fanatic +1
If the firers total is twice the defender's or greater; The defender is killed or mortally wounded and may take no further part in the game;
If the firers total is more than the defenders, but less than twice; The defending figure is seriously wounded and knocked down. A wounded figure may not shoot or take part in an attack except to defend themselves in a Close Assault.
If the firer's and defender's totals are equal; The target figure receives a light wound. They can take no more action for this round, but takes no other damage unless hit again.
If the target's total is greater than the firer's; The target received a near miss or their armour has prevented any significant harm. The figure spends the remainder of this round thanking their lucky stars.

Table 5. Close Assault.

1D6 each + Weapon Close Combat Factor + Modifiers;
Untrained -2 'Aliens' +4
Green troops -1 'Monsters' +6
Veterans +1 Armoured Infantry +1
Elite +1 Defending a prepared position +2
Fanatics +1 Wounded -2
Warriors +2 Surprised or unaware -2
Outnumbered: Each opponent after the first. -1
Melee Weapons: Swords, Axes, Chain-saws, etc. +3
Improvised Weapons: Clubs, bottles, Pick handles, etc. +1
In each combat:
If the attackers total is twice or more than twice the defenders total; The defender Breaks, they abandon their position or heavy weapons and must move a full move away from the attackers. If they cannot move away they are killed or captured.
If the attacker's total is more than the defender's total, but less than twice the defenders total; Then the defender is killed or captured.
If the totals are equal; The attacker is forced back out of close combat range. (>4")
If the defender's total is greater than the attacker's; Then the attacker is killed.
If the defenders total is twice, or more than twice the attackers total; The attacker must fall back to their position at the start of the round.

These tables are also available as a downloadable *.pdf document: tables.pdf - 27K

Web site maintained by Chris Nicole
Last updated Monday, 17 July, 2000