SLAMMER - Fast Action SF Skirmish System
Chris & Alex Nicole

Movement Options;

Double Move;

The team may move up to their full move distance in their Active turn and may make another Activation roll in phase 6. They may then make another move at their new Activation level. Generally troops may only make one double move in each round. It might be appropriate in a Hollywood style game for a heroic or highly motivated unit to make succeeding double moves.
In no case should a unit be able to make more than one attack or close assault in each round.


The team may move towards an enemy unit, or into contact and may make a Close Assault attack.
The team may make a Direct Fire attack during its active turn. If the active team does not make a Direct Fire attack, it may make an Opportunity Fire attack in response to an enemy active team's move.


The team may move up to half it's full move distance towards an enemy position, taking advantage of cover. The team may make a Direct Fire attack during its active turn. If the active team does not make a Direct Fire attack, it may make an Opportunity Fire attack in response to an enemy active team's move.


The team may not move towards a known enemy position, but may move into a position of cover within a half-move distance. If there is no cover within a half-move, they will lie prone facing the nearest known enemy position.


The team may not move out of cover, except to fall back. If they are out in the open they will lie prone facing the nearest known enemy position. They will make best use of available cover. A pinned team may return fire against a unit that has fired at them.


The unit must move away from known enemy positions towards its own base line for at least half it's full move distance, or into cover that takes them away from the enemy.


The unit abandons its position and heavy weapons and flees its full move distance towards its own base line. If it is contacted by an enemy unit, or is unable to retreat it will surrender or be destroyed. A broken unit may not fire.

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Last updated Friday, 19 November, 1999