SLAMMER - Fast Action SF Skirmish System
Chris & Alex Nicole

Effect of Fire Hits

Hits on figures in the target unit are determined randomly among exposed figures. Even if the target unit does not take any hits it will still count as under fire on the action table, and for its own Firer modifiers.

Each weapon type has a damage rating listed on the weapons table as a die and modifier. When a hit is scored on a figure, the firer rolls the dice and adds the modifier listed on the weapons table. The defender rolls one die and add the modifiers listed on Table 4 for the weapon type at the target figures Armour rating.

Table 4. Armour Rating:

Armour Rating: vs. B vs. E Notes:
None -1 -2 Civilians, normal clothing.
Light Infantry +0 -1 Military weave, flak jacket & helmet.
Heavy Infantry +1 +1 Battle suit, Ablative plate & helmet.
Armoured Infantry +2 +2 Power Assisted Heavy Armour.
Aliens; +1 +0 Bugs, Predators, etc.
Monsters +3 +2 Large Alien Beasties.
Defender Modifiers
Untrained/Civilian -1 Veteran +1
Green/trained 0 Elite/Fanatic +1
If the firers total is twice the defender's or greater;
The defender is killed or mortally wounded and may take no further part in the game; (except to provide partial cover).

If the firers total is more than the defenders, but less than twice;
The defending figure is seriously wounded and knocked down. A wounded figure may not shoot or take part in an attack except to defend themselves in a Close Assault. A wounded figure can move no more than half their usual distance without assistance from another figure.

If the firer's and defender's totals are equal;
The target figure receives a light wound. They can take no more action for this round, but takes no other damage unless hit again. The figure has a modifier of -2 on all further actions until treated. The wound can be stabilised by first aid within the unit, until the figure can be evacuated to a medical unit.

If the target's total is greater than the firer's;
The target received a near miss or their armour has prevented any significant harm. The figure spends the remainder of this round thanking their lucky stars. In the next round they can carry on as normal.

For Example;

A Rebel Princess armed with a Zippgun scores a hit on an Imperial Storm-trooper in Ablative Plate (Heavy Infantry) armour;
The Princess rolls 1D for damage effect and scores a 5 = 5
The Storm-trooper rolls 1D+1 (Heavy Vs E), he scores 3 + 1 = 4
The Storm-trooper is seriously wounded and falls over. He may take no other action this round and counts as wounded for the rest of the game. (The Princess runs off for a snog with the hero.)

previous Web site maintained by Chris Nicole
Last updated Monday, 17 July, 2000