Slammer Skirmish - Fast action SF skirmish wargame rules
Slammer is a set of wargame rules for Science Fiction skirmish games using miniatures. Slammer is not tied to any specific background or company product line, you can use whatever figures or models you have. I intended from the start that Slammer would be flexible and adaptable to different scenarios. I have intentionally kept it fairly 'loose', particularly in areas like troop motivation and Hollywood heroics. Slammer is meant to be fun!
We use miniatures on the table top to represent men, women and bug eyed monsters who might well be scared or heroic, angry or bored, professional or just hungry, above all they are unpredictable. When you play Slammer, occasionally try to see things through your troops eyes. They are more than just disposable weapons delivery systems, even the bug-eyed monsters! Slammer is an ongoing project, it seems I add something or try to make existing rules clearer each time I look at it.